Luna Boys NZ Tour Auckland
The Luna Boys brought their amazing live music from Rarotonga to New Zealand for all to hear!
We usually capture our events with great photography from many different photographers. See if you can find yourself in one of our photos!
The Luna Boys brought their amazing live music from Rarotonga to New Zealand for all to hear!
This was our first time in Palmerston North, and with only a weeks preparation, the crowd didn’t fail to please!
A great night out with the Luna Boys in Porirua as they continue their New Zealand tour, promoting their new album.
What a great night out with Jaro Local, DJ Tikelz, Jarome, Tauraki Superstars, T’Zar and so much more!!
A night in Tahiti with Trio Kikiriri extraordinaire Kalou Gooding and Hiro Vernaudon, and so much more! Images courtesy of Gerardus Verspeek
Pasifika 2018 Photo Gallery – Photos courtesy of Gerardus Verspeek
Te Korero Maori Cultural Group from Rarotonga came to Auckland to raise funds for a trip to a cultural showcase in Hawaii.
Historic images from the Winterbash, Rage and Polyversal Showcase.